Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ
نمر بن عدوان
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
من مناقب الأمير الراحل الشيخ جابر رحمه الله
اللي ماله أول ماله تالي
المقال من مجلة عالم الفن مايو 1973*
سيف مرزوق الشملان
ولد بالكويت عام 1927م. وهو مؤرخ كويتي حديث وموثق معروف لأحداث التاريخ الكويتي من خلال الأحاديث واللقاءات الحية. له كتاب" من تاريخ الكويت " وعدة كتب أخرى تاريخية وشعبية. أسس متحف الشملان، وهو متحف شعبي افتتح في مارس 1972م. نال جائزة الدولة (الكويت) التقديرية عام 2000م. و من أجمل اللقاءات التلفزيونية التي عملها البحاثة الشملان في هذين المقطعين مع كل من الشيخ يوسف بن عيسى القناعي و بدر خالد البدر
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Such names aren't like usual names
Here the picture reflects the situation of our neighbors in kingdom of Bahrain
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Fort Boyard ... Amazing
Fort Boyard is a fort located between the Île-d'Aix and the Île d'Oléron in the Pertuis d'Antioche straits, on the west coast of France.
The construction of the fort had already been considered since the completion of the arsenal in 1666, but Vauban famously advised Louis XIV against it saying "Sir, it would be easier to catch the moon with the teeth than take on such an endeavour in such a location".
The fort was actually started under Napoleon in 1801, in order to protect the coast (and especially the arsenal of Rochefort) from possible incursions by foreign (and especially British) navies. At that time, cannons only had a limited range, and the distance between the two islands of Aix and Oleron was too large to block the passage.
Following difficulties in establishing a firm base (stone blocks had to be installed on the sandy sea bed during low tide but they still sank under their own weight) the project was adjourned in 1809. Construction started again in 1837 under Louis-Philippe, following renewed tensions with Great Britain, and was completed in 1857.
Fort Boyard had a complement of 250 men. It is 61 metres long, 31 metres wide, and its walls are 20 metres high.
By the time of its completion however, the range of cannons had markedly increased, making the Fort unnecessary.
Under the Commune, the fort was converted to a prison, before being abandoned a few years later. Over time the Fort slowly crumbled and deteriorated into the sea as it was left unmaintained. Read More
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Eiffel Tower 24/08/2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Apple Lab
Chascar para agrandar
These scenes raise in myself nostalgia to the days of the study and the university
Hungry Bunny Franchise Opportunity
Hungry Bunny Restaurant tries again to return to the region after years of absence, by providing an opportunity to become franchisee, announced in Kuwaiti newspapers. (Remember)
Memories Are enough to restore previous clients? I wonder if the restaurant will succeed, as it was in the past
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Lake Assal بحيرة العسل في جيبوتي

Friday, October 05, 2007
The Golden Rock
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Woman gives birth to own grandchildren
SAO PAULO, Brazil - A 51-year-old surrogate mother for her daughter has given birth to her own twin grandchildren in northeastern Brazil, the delivery hospital said.
Rosinete Palmeira Serrao, a government health worker, gave birth to twin boys by Caesarean section on Thursday at the Santa Joana Hospital in the city of Recife, the hospital said in a statement on its Web site.Hospital officials were not available for comment on Sunday, but press reports said the grandmother and twins were discharged on Saturday in excellent health. The Caesarean section was performed about two weeks ahead of time because Serrao was having trouble sleeping, the statement said.
Serrao decided to serve as a surrogate mother after four years of failed attempts at pregnancy by her 27-year-old daughter, Claudia Michelle de Brito.
Brazilian law stipulates that only close relatives can serve as surrogate mothers. De Brito is an only child and none of her cousins volunteered, so Serrao agreed to receive four embryos from her daughter.
From Yahoo!